Happy New Year 2024!

It’s been a while since I updated things around here and well, today is the day 🙂

Photo News – I am selling prints! Analogue Silver Gelatine toned in sepia or selenium (or not) and gold or palladium toned Kallitype are available for any of my black and white analogue photos. Digital photos are available as high quality Ink Jet and gold or palladium toned Kallitype. Please see my portfolio here or on Flickr. You can use the contact form to request a print. Here is a recent photo to tempt you:



Music news:

I will be releasing my solo album soon. It has been finished long enough now I think!

Not Your Average Worker Bees released a vide to celebrate International Drone Day and we have released some new music too! You can check out the music here on BandCamp and the video is below:

It was a big year for the Canadian Electronic Ensemle this year. Dr. Alexa Woloshyn published her book called “An Orchestra at my Fingertips. A History of the Canadian Electronic Ensemble”. You can see the festivities and performance on this video. Trust me when I say it was much better being there in person!