March 15, 2017 – We believe this issue is now fixed! Please let us know via the Contact Form if you still have issues!
A large number of download errors have been reported recently. This may be due to your web browser as the files on this site are large. If you are getting Network Session Reset errors or Session Reset by Peer or anything similar, please try using Chrome, Firefox. Perhaps a download manager might help too although these have not been tested.
Ableton Live
Follow the directions from Ableton here. We recommend placing the 3rd party packs folder close to your User Library (not in it it) and then adding that to the Browser in Ableton Live. Once you have the folder created in Ableton Live you can go to the file menu and choose Install Pack. Browse to the pack you downloaded and select it. When prompted for the location to install to make sure you choose the 3rd party packs folder you created previously.
Extract the .zip file wherever you keep your 3rd party Kontakt instruments. Double click on one of the single instruments (.nki) or a multi-instrument (.nkm)
For the generic/acid samples, please follow the directions for the sampler of your choice. If your sampler does not support acid loops you will need to set the loop points for each sample or leave them as 1 shot samples.